Events organized annually
Check out the most important events organized by Bishop John Bassi, Pastor Carol Bassi and Equipe Praise Cia. of Dance annually.
Praise International Christian Dance Conference
In 2015 the event completes its fourth edition with more than 15 Brazilian states already participating and 8 countries represented.
The date for the Conference will be the 18th, 19th and 20th of September 2015.
More information on the website:
Dance Caravan to Israel
Since 2013, Praise Cia. Dance organizes the DANCE CARAVAN FOR ISRAEL together with the Apostolic Caravan of Renascer.
In 2015 we will record choreographies, dance in the streets of Jerusalem, in the March for Jesus on the Sea of Galilee and on the March stage, in historic and prophetic places in addition to recording choreographies clips....and much more from God for our lives! !
More information:
11 2639-0799
Beach Dance Festival
Dozens of groups from different states and denominations participate annually.
The event is part of the Official agenda of the International Praise Conference.
The date for the next Festival will be on dia September 19, 2015 at Teatro Paulo Machado de Carvalho- São Caetano do Sul - SP-Brazil.
More information on the website:
National Forum of Dance Leaders
Dozens of leaders from different states and denominations participate annually.
The event is part of the Official agenda of the International Praise Conference.
The date for the next Annual Leaders Forum will be on September 19th, 2015 at the Paulo Machado de Carvalho Theater- São Caetano do Sul - SP-Brazil.
More information on the website:
Official Mega Flash Mob of the March for Jesus - Brazil
Thousands of dancers take to the streets annually to perform the March for Jesus Mega Flash Mob, organized by Bishop John and Pastor Carol Bassi.
The Flash mob will take place in all Brazilian states simultaneously from 9 am to 12 pm on a defined date
AcampaDança Renascer
The Dance Camp that is expected annually by dance ministers from all over Brazil.
There are 3 days of much Praise and Worship of the Lord, in addition to courses, dance workshops, group presentations and words that heal and edify dance ministers.
The location is at Fazenda Renascer in Mairinque - countryside of São Paulo.
The date for the next "AcampaDança" is not set yet.
Dance Vigils - Quarterly
Every 3 months, Dance Vigils are organized in São Paulo with the participation of up to 2,000 dancers.
Groups of different denominations perform, battle of B. Boys, Dance Workshops and a powerful word from Bishop John Bassi and Pastor Carol Bassi mark the dawn of São Paulo.
Reborn Dance Festival (to 8 years)
One of the biggest Christian Dance Festival in Brazil is already in its Eighth edition and is a registered trademark for different Christian dance groups in the country.
The date for the next Renascer Dance Festival has not yet been set.
24 hours of Adoration with Dances
A very special time of praise and worship where hundreds of dance ministers from different denominations come together to Praise and Worship the Lord with Dances FOR 24 HOURS..